Monday, May 16, 2011

Organizer of Hunt

I am a Hunt Organizer. The name of my hunt group is Beachside Hunt Group.

My first hunt was Love is in the Air from February 1st - 28th. I cant believe its been over a year since I started organizing Hunts. Not a lot of Organizers last this long. After a few hunts most organizers stop from all the stress that comes with organizing them. But me I love doing hunts...stress and all.

I have learned a lot about myself and ways to improve the way I do hunts. Some organizers use a lot of scripts and systems to help them with organizing there hunts. I don't use a lot of scripts and I don't use a system. For those who may want to start doing hunts here are a few ways to make the work lets on you as a vendor.

Step One ~ Come up with a Theme/Name for Hunt...A theme is very helps you figure out what type of vendors you may want in your hunt.

Step Two ~ When you want your hunt to occur. This may also help you figure out the theme of your hunt.

Step Three ~ Create your hunt poster. Poster should have hunt name & date of hunt on it.

Step Four ~ Hunt Item.

Step Five ~ Notecards for the hunt. Hunt info., Application, and Hunters Info.

Step Six ~ Hunt Group. Good to have a general name or you will be making a new group for every hunt you do.

Step Seven ~ Are you going to have a website for the hunt. Just like the Group name something general so you want have to create a new blog for each Hunt. Some good free sites are &

Step Eight ~ Google Spreadsheet. A good way to keep up with your vendors and a way for them to check and see if they have things you asked for ready. Easy way to keep up with Walk through and so forth.

After all that, make your poster and but a script in to give out your info on touch.  You should be ready. Send out your info in groups and pass on to store owners as you hop through SL. Should you ever need help please feel free to ask and good luck.